
Ricardo Munoz
Dan Cervone
Debra Safer
Bill Ryerson
Wed November 17th 2021, 3:45 - 4:30pm
Event Sponsor
Department of Psychology
Zoom Webinar

Special Colloquium: Al Bandura’s Legacy and Contributions

The following special guests will be speaking on their experiences and relationships with Al and his contributions to psychology and society:

Daniel P. Cervone, Ph.D. - Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois Chicago

Ricardo F. Munoz, Ph.D. - Distinguished Professor of Clinical Psychology, Palo Alto University

Debra L. Safer, M.D. - Associate Professor, Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Services, Stanford School of Medicine

For those who wish to watch the presentation together, viewing will be available in room 050 of our building. Come early at 3:15 pm for cookies, coffee, and conversation outside of room 050.

Zoom link to presentation: Password: 744573