
Fri December 6th 2019, 3:15 - 4:30pm
Event Sponsor
Department of Psychology
Jordan Hall room 050

Blair Kaneshiro, PhD, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) and collaborates with the Vision and Neuro-Development lab (Norcia lab), Stanford University

Title: Neural Correlation During Natural Music Listening

Abstract: Over the past decade and a half, techniques such as inter-subject correlation (ISC) and stimulus-response correlation (SRC) have facilitated the study of neural responses to complex, natural stimuli. In particular, neural correlation has been shown to index a state of 'engagement' in response to narrative stimuli. But to what extent do these approaches generalize to music, which is also time-based but differs fundamentally from literal narratives? In this talk I will begin by reviewing techniques for computing ISC and SRC from EEG. I will then present results from a recent study in which we measure ISC and SRC, in the time and frequency domains, of EEG responses recorded while participants heard intact and temporally disrupted musical works. I will conclude by discussing how these results contribute useful insights on music processing and clarify the relationship between neural correlation, engagement, and enjoyment.