
Anne Collins
Fri February 11th 2022, 3:15 - 4:30pm
Event Sponsor
Department of Psychology
Building 420 050 or Zoom (hybrid format). Note the max capacity in room 050 is 36 and masks are required.

Anne Collins, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley

Title: Setting the stage for reinforcement learning

Abstract: Reinforcement learning frameworks have contributed tremendously to our better understanding of learning processes in brain and behavior. However, this remarkable success obscures the reality of multiple underlying processes, and in particular hides how executive functions set the frame over which reinforcement learning computations operate. What is a choice? What is a reinforcer? In this talk, I will show that executive functions define the learning substrates (such as choices, stimuli and reinforcers) for other learning mechanisms, setting the stage for what we learn about. Clarifying the contributions and interaction of different learning processes is essential to understanding individual learning differences, particularly in clinical populations and development. This work highlights the importance of studying learning as a multi-dimensional phenomenon that relies on multiple separable but inter-dependent computational mechanisms.

You can find this information on the talk here.