Norman H. Anderson Research Fund
Dr. Norman Anderson, a distinguished psychologist and Emeritus Professor at UCSD, has generously established the Anderson Research Fund for Stanford University’s Department of Psychology.
This fund supports research initiatives and studies for graduate students and covers any experimental work in the cognitive, neuroscience, developmental, social, or affective science areas. All graduate students in the Psychology Ph.D. program are eligible to apply for research funds from this gift. Examples of allowable expenses include payment for human subjects, buying research equipment items including computers, purchases of experimental supplies, and travel to scientific conferences where the student is presenting a paper or poster. However, these funds are not intended to support coursework.
Funding is on a rolling basis. To apply for this funding please submit an application to the Department Chair by email (information below). A small faculty committee reviews each application and makes funding decisions. Please note that priority will be given to students who are first-time applicants to the fund. Students are eligible to receive the award up to twice during their PhD.
How To Apply:
- Provide a proposal (no longer than one page) that specifies the research activity, project, or conference for which funds are requested, and a detailed budget outlining the components of the expenses. Students may request up to a maximum of $2,000 per proposal.
- Complete and submit the Norman Anderson Fund application form.