Undergraduate Program

The Department of Psychology undergraduate program offers excellent training in how to understand human behavior using scientifically rigorous methods.
A judicious selection of Psychology courses can provide an excellent background for those of you planning careers in Business, Education, Law, Medicine, and Social work as well as Psychology. The Faculty Advisors and the Student Services Office can help you select courses that will provide a strong foundation for your career goals.
The Psychology major and minor offer students a variety of opportunities for active involvement. For those of you who choose Psychology as a department, we hope you will take advantage of the many opportunities it provides for direct involvement in ongoing research, such as participating in our active undergraduate psychology association (SUPA), and designing and conducting your own studies through our Senior Honors Program.
We hope that this section of our website will stimulate your curiosity, answer many of your initial questions, and better prepare you to consider and explore the rich possibilities that a Psychology major or minor may offer.
Stanford students with an interest in the field or undecided on pursuing a major or minor in Psychology are welcome to join our Psych Interest mailing list to receive updates on the latest informational and educational events happening in our department.
For questions about the Psychology major or minor, please contact our Student Services Officer, Andrea Sims, at asims [at] stanford.edu (asims[at]stanford[dot]edu). The current Director of Undergraduate Studies is Professor James Gross.