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Wed February 21st 2024, 3:45 - 5:00pm
Building 420, Room 041

Dacher Keltner, Professor of Psychology, UC Berkeley

Title: A Science of Awe

Abstract: In this talk I will detail the recent advances in understanding the emotion awe, the feeling we experience when we encounter vast mysteries that transcend our understanding of the world. I will consider the evolutionary roots of awe in physiological processes by which social mammals merge with one another when facing peril, I will consider the powerful place of awe in the evolution of culture, for example in music and art, and how culture powerfully shapes the structure of awe.  I will close with studies of awe that speak to the reason for its centrality to human social life, and why it is good for us.

Please meet us outside of room 041 at 3:30 PM for cookies, coffee, and conversation.

The Colloquium will be followed at 5:00 PM by a reception in the Psychology Lounge.